The super fancy, members-only versions
Etsy Pricing Calculators
“Are Etsy Ads Worth It?” Profit Calculator
How much are you really making from an Etsy Ads campaign? Find out here!
“What Price Should I Sell My Listing For?”
An advanced calculator to find the best estimated price you should sell your listing for on Etsy!
“Am I Making Money On Etsy?”
An advanced calculator to find out if your existing Etsy listing is profitable after fees, offsite ads, and discounts.
“What Should I Charge for Shipping?”
An advanced shipping pricing calculator to find how much your should charge for shipping to cover your shipping costs, Etsy Shipping Transaction Fee, and the amount of the Offsite Ads fee that applies to your shipping price paid by the customer.
Try our latest tool, currently in a testing phase, exclusively for Members!
Etsy Product Idea Generator
Generate incredible handmade, print-on-demand, vintage (and more!) product ideas that are perfect for your Etsy shop while fitting into the latest trends.